Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Last letter of the year...2010!
Things here are progressing slowly. We have sacrificed lunches to contact. Hopefully the sacrifices will pan out. So far it has. This area is a transportation nightmare it used to have a car but it was given to the Elders in Canne because their car was burned... by people who don't like missionaries... anyway were hoping to someday get a car back in this area.
I hope the work is progressing in South America, Sister Garlock!! Funny enough, I ate Ecuador dark chocolate the other day it was very good. I thank your people for it :). Also, I hope that you never get discouraged.
I'm not going to lie I have called thousands of people and contacted hundreds more and last night I just about had it! Super discouraged! We found out that in the last 2 years this ward has not had a baptism and total in the last 5 years it's had 7 baptisms and all but one are inactive!
Today, I woke up and thrusted in my sickle-- literally talked to everything. EVERYTHING that moved and so far at 5 o clock in the afternoon we have 18 road contacts in 1 day! Miracle!!! Seriously, the last time that happened in our mission... I don't know... but a long time. Whenever it gets hard I think of Elder Masters, my dear cousin. Love the people.
Things here are harder than ever but there is still hope.
Thank you for the cards!!! It lifts my spirit.
I just keep contacting people of nations that my friends are serving in!!! Yesterday we set up a redez vous with and Albanian family and today I contacted 4 Romanians. I need phrases in these other languages!
Elder Garlock
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Where to begin...
Elder Graham and I were white washed out of PAU! We were replaced by Soeurs! I couldn't help but think of Sistar Garlock walking into her first ville with a dirty apartment. So Elder Graham and I CLeaned and CLeaned and CLEANED again!
The Pau ward gave us tons and tons of gifts! It was super difficult saying goodbye but it felt like it was the right time. I am currently in arguably one of the, if not the one ville, with the highest percent of Muslims. Drum roll.... the ville is..... VITROLLES, just next to Marseilles. It is winter not Christmas here...
My new companion is Elder Herring from Ypsilanti, Michigan. He is young in his mission --just a few transfers older than me. But he speaks amazingly and he's 100 percent obedient. He is a great example of a hard worker. Elder Graham headed off to probably his last ville in NICE with Elder Tudor, who was in my MTC district. Elder Graham was very, very happy to be going to NICE.
My first day in Vitrolles, Elder Herring and I worked our tales off. It was pouring down rain but we still contacted and had some great success! What do you know -- I contacted some Romanians again!!
This ville is going to be a challenge. There has not been one baptism here for over a year... I have finally been able to communicate better I am horrible absolutely horrible at french when I'm not contacting or in a lesson. When I'm in a lesson and contacting my french is way better. The gift of tongues is real.
On this past Sunday, we had the confirmation of Soeur Martin and Soeur Sa Oliveira it was very special. Right after the blessing of Soeur Sa Oliveira, she just bore here testimony, out of the blue she thanked Elder Graham and I.
Our Heavenly Father knows us and sends us places to stretch ourselves and to not only bear the cross of Jesus Christ but also to walk with the cross placing all the weight on one leg while taking that step of faith and having Jesus Christ help us-- because his yoke is easy.
May I be so bold as to invite everyone who reads this to write down the significance of the Atonement of Jesus Christ in their life and how that Atonement connects with a living prophet, The Book of Mormon and Bible.
I love all of you!
Elder Garlock
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
This week I have been humbled. We had 2 baptisms on Sunday, Soeur Sa Oliveira and Soeur Martin. It was great to be a part of them. Soeur Sa Oliveira thanked Elder Graham and I with tears in her eyes. She wanted to kiss us! But we had to resist. It was a sweet moment. Soeur Sa Oliveira has ALL of her family against her in being a member of the Lord's church. So this week we did more lessons than usual. She is such a sweet lady who writes down EVERYTHING we teach her. She told us that when she is mad or frustrated she dictates passages from the Book of Mormon or reads ALL of Gospel Principles AGAIN. This daughter of God truly is a Latter-Day SAINT.
Christmas here is very interesting. They have insanely beautiful street lights!
Yesterday we were in Bordeaux for Zone conference and the zone talent show. I played the piano while Elder Graham sang. The zone also sang at l'arch de triomphe. It was a great experience to see people stand around us and just be amazed that someone was caroling. Caroling here is not as big of a deal. Half way through caroling, I was tired of seeing people watching us but no elders contacting them. So I broke mid way through the song and started contacting people. I met a total of 10 Muslims all practicing and all wanting to have a political discussion on America. They told me that I was a horrible person. This has been not the first time so I said, "Salem malley kooom" and "voila quoi", instantly we were friends. Learning that one phrase has helped me realize that people love their culture.
This week was also very touching because Elder Graham and I sat down with 8 Romanians! We had Iuan translate for us the 1st lesson. The spirit was very strong. It is hard because half of the group wants money from us the other half is adamant Catholic and Iuan is bashing them all and was correcting blasphemy left and right. It was awesome to be a part of. It's sad however because Iuan left France yesterday on an emergency. His father fell very ill and he had to leave. He won't be back till he is better or has died. Iuan has such strong faith.
Also, I have been wanting to know for sometime what in the world happened with the November primary elections? Did Democrats or Republicans or tea parties win? What happened?
Roach update: only came across 5 roaches this week ---so things have been getting way, way better! How is Elder Wahlquist and Elder Garlock doing ? How is Elder Merrill and Wahlquist doing--as a companionship? I met Elder Merrill once and I've only heard good things about him!
I hope that you study preach my gospel too! It's a great inspired book for everyone. I especially love the Christ like attributes. I have been working on patience and my faith which are directly linked.
I love you and ciao jusqu'a la semaine prochaine!
Elder Garlock
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Diligence and Miracles
Front Row: Frere and Soeur Abadie with Soeur Sa Oliveira
Elder Graham and I over the past 3 weeks have had a grand total of 3 yes, only 3 people who we met on the road give us their contact information to set up another time to meet. Then this week we had 17! Yes, 17! and on top of that ---20 lessons and on top of that 5 investigators in progress and on top of that Juan committed to baptism the 26th of December. He is on page 200 of the Book of Mormon . Miracle after miracle after miracle!
If someone has lost their testimony, let me write them, because this week is proof that miracles still happen. We also gave three blessings for the sick this week. Miracles on top of miracles.
Elder Graham and I had a challenge from the mission president to make 14 road contacts. We went to town. We talked to Every single person on the bus, walking, and running. We met countless amounts of people-- literally hundreds. We had a district meeting on Monday. I gave the discourse on our missionary purpose. The discourse, helped me realize the true calling that I received, to invite others to come unto Christ. I learned that the Lord blesses us for our best efforts--not for our best successes. Successes are blessings for our efforts. I learned that diligence in all things and self discipline--- to bite the bullet when things aren't going the best--- that we have the power to change a situation---- to not be acted upon---- we then in essence have true freedom to be who we say we are ---sons and daughters -----disciples of Christ.
Elder Graham is nearing the end of his mission. He is a master of a teacher. We are the perfect combination of the one two punch! I'm the opener and he is the closer. He is the genius! We have truly hit our stride as a companionship being unified and diligent together. The assistants to the Président were here in Pau on Saturday. I realized I never want to be a leader in the mission! Soooo much more work! I thought not understanding people and this language was hard! I had a shock of reality when the assistants were describing what they do.
I was grateful for the nativity set how cool! I placed it under our fake Christmas true and it looks amazing. While cleaning out our apt the other day, we found three Christmas trees --each of different sizes. We also found Christmas lights which gives us a perfect night light. The window stickers, monkey game and presents really set the tone for Christmas and of course, Josh in the background singing that good ol noel CD!
The financial clerk for the mission in Toulouse has placed more euros in our account. Thankfully, I guess it wasn't just me starving!! haha! Know that all is good and I am well as far has my temporal needs go with food!
Also health update: I threw up, hard core on Saturday night, the night the Assistants were here. That was an experience! I also literally burned my thumbs really, really, really bad. My flesh, when it touched the oven, singed --ohhhh the sound and then the smell of my thumbs--- flesh burning---oh, was bad-- but life goes on. I'm sure you will see the scare when I get home!
It also snowed here this week in Pau. The Pyrenees mountains have been amazing. They remind me of the Olympic mountains. But we are way closer here in Pau than to the mountains back at home!
O yes, a funny story: In one of our rendezvous, the lady's kids were named the same first names as my companion and me!! And then get this, they are the same amount of time a part in years! haha! We looked at each other and tried holding in our laugh but it was in vain! Really funny.
I am sincerely grateful for your generous out pouring of love and true charity that has been shown for the last 22 weeks of my mission! I love all of you. Christ is our mediator. He is a separate, glorified person from our Heavenly Father.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Missed the train, Missed the bus, Missed Thanksgiving but I love France!
Elder Graham and I have tons going on! For starters this week, we missed our train headed to Bordeaux! Talk about a mistake! The train left at 6:17 and we arrived in the Gare as it pulled away! Ugh! The disappointment! We had to answer to Président Carter! Thank goodness for mercy!
Moving on to heavier things. Elder Graham and I love the area book. We have successfully cleaned our apartment. We found all of the old papers from messy missionaries who did not keep the area book or our apt clean! We came across two people-- one man from Romania-- super humble (as all the Romanians are so far that I have met) but this Romanian was way different. He spoke pretty good french and had a decent apt. and a job!! His name is Juan. We stopped by and gave him a Book of Mormon and the 1st leçon. He LOVED it!! Probably the most receptive first leçon in my mission thus far. The spirit was so strong and I spoke french! I didn't even know I had in me. Elder Graham was stunned! So I committed him to stop smoking and to stop drinking and he said yes!! It was a miracle!
Juan loved me a ton, thanks to My Best Friend, Elder Betteridge!! Bryce had sent me a post card and a belt from Romania that I showed to Juan. He freaked out he was soo happy!!! It was awesome. I then asked Juan who the picture was on the wall and he said it was his family. I asked for a way to contact his family who live in Jud . Alba Iulia Romania. I'm not sure if Elder Betteridge knows where that is but we will be sending the contact today!
I am super excited for Juan. He was contacted 2 years ago but the missionaries had a hard time understanding him and he had a hard time understanding the missionaries but we are about on the same french level so we connect really well.
The other crazy awesome moment we had was yesterday. We had Stake conference all the way in Bordeaux. We took a train Saturday night, spent the night in Lormont, and went to the conference. I understood most of it. We came back just in time for our rendez vous with Miriam De Costa. Miriam De Costa is from Spain. She met the missionaries for the first time 20 years ago! Before I was born-- wooooo that's old ;) and she told us she had a dream Saturday night. She told us the dream. She described the temple!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!! !!!! !! We showed her a picture of the SLC temple she kept saying ooo la la o la la. It was awesome! She was super excited! We were too! We then set up another rendez vous!
We found out some crazy information which I thought you might find awesome... The first lady Elder Graham and I baptized, Berth, was the wife to the president of Congo Zaire, first counselor. We asked her if she had met some pretty important people. She just laughed and said she had met many of the top world leaders for peace talks and things because Congo is so war torn right now. She lost her husband and was exiled to France.
Anyway, we have been teaching Berth's son in law and daughter with 6 kids. Leçons get hectic!! haha But they are fun!
Another miracle: we were in Lescar, which is far from Pau. In fact, back in the day, Pau had four companionships and now it's just us! So we have our work cut out! Anyway, we were out in Lescar and missed the bus! We had a rendez vous-- so we prayed for a miracle. The Lord delivered a 6' 10'' basketball player from the University of Utah who now plays in France for the Pau team. He picked us up! He said his brothers went on missions, but he didn't. He hasn't been active for years in the church. He said he felt bad driving past because he could just see his brothers serving in Brazil in us. It was a cool experience. We had a sweet talk about basketball and coming back to church. All in all a good experience!
My language is almost there. It's funny, I'm confident speaking french to french people but speaking it to other missionaries or President and Soeur Carter it just doesn't happen. My comprehension is there when I focus really hard.
I love all of you and I was so grateful for the cards from the ward and the other packages of love!! Elder Graham and I are super excited to have matching PJs! We even wore them in Lormont and made the other companionships jealous!!!
I am grateful for all of you and missed thanksgiving but the pasta was super good here!
We moved Frere Bonét today for preparation day.
Love, Elder Nathan
P. S. I love France!!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
Things in France for me have been full in culture! I have come to realize to only take a little portion for the 1st couple courses of the meal. I really almost had a bad experience.We ate with the sweetest, oldest Soeur in the ward last night. The First course was a light soup. Next course was a huge lasagne. Next course was cheese, salad, and bread. The last was ice cream. I made the mistake of taking to much soup and too much lasagna. When it came time for the goat and sheep cheeses, my stomach almost couldn't take it. But miracles happen.
It's interesting it takes almost all my focus to understand what people are saying. But I got it. The french language, as far as comprehension is almost complete. The speaking and sentence structure and french sayings and such, is still a struggle. I know it will slowly become easier and easier.
Last week, Anthony Betteridge's old colleague from his mission gave a talk in church and he said something that really hit me. The gospel makes the comfortable uncomfortable and the uncomfortable comforted. I have found that one line very true this last week.
We started off this week with tons and tons of rain and went to Bayonne (I love that ville) for an exchange. I headed back to Pau with a new blue Elder straight out of the MTC His name was Elder Grossen and so I was leading us around on Tuesday. We got to do service for Frere Bonét in Oloron Ste Marie. He paid for our lunch which of course was canard. MMMM I love canard and that he paid for us to have a special treat called a russe. It was probably the best patisserie ever! It's a speciality to the Oloron Ste Marie area.
That night of the exchange, we had a dinner appt. at the Portwood's. They are an awesome Canadian family who spoke English, which was very nice for Elder Grossen and me. We got off at the bus stop and I remembered the last time Elder Graham and I went to their house we got lost. We still don't have a phone because it was broken. So I literally lead by faith! We showed up 20 min late, but it was an amazing dinner.
After the exchange the next day, we headed to Bordeaux where the Elder Texiera spoke to us. It was an uplifting awesome experience. The spirit in the room was so strong and he actually gave the Bordeaux zone a special challenge that he didn't give to any other area in the mission. He told us to kick it up a notch! Elder Graham and I looked at each other and we're like alright let's do this! The work in Pau is going well. Our area in Pau is the top in the Bordeaux zone right now and so I know the Lord will magnify us to take it even higher.
After the zone conference, I went on an exchange with Elder Mayor, who only speaks French. He is a stud and the zone leader. Elder Mayor and I caught a ride around Bordeaux with Elder and Sister Texiera, Brother and Sister Carter, and the Assistants. Really fun! I found out that they went on a mission tour with Elder Pearson and went to Matthew Pearson's mission and met him. It was awesome to hear that. Anyway, Elder Mayor and I got a ride with them to Talence.
It was very difficult for me to only speak French for 2 days straight, no English!!! I felt like my brain was going to explode!
Happy thanksgiving!! No one in France has even heard about Thanksgiving! So I will probably be eating pasta or pizza while your eating your dinners! haha
The Lord loves us. I have been blessed and am grateful for many things!
Have a good week!!
Elder Garlock
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Highs and Lows
Dear Family and Friends,
Where to begin...it seems as though everything that could have went wrong did and everything that could have went right did as well!
Three people on date for baptism. Two for the 12 of December: Soeur Sa Oliviera as well as Soeur Martin and Soeur Seiglar for the 22 of January.
Elder Graham and I were down and out the first few days of this week with the flu and coughing and what not. Our phone broke, hard core, so our way of communication to the outside world namely the zone leaders and Soeur Carter has been non existent as well as to ALL of our amies (appt.)-- which made scheduling, moving and shifting the calendar very difficult. Elder Graham and I began to implement what we call, the 5 week plan.
It is hard to organize my thoughts because so much has happened in four days! Maybe this way will be better:
Soeur Sa Oliveira: She has read the book of Mormon and knows its true I have been with her from the beginning and we are super excited for the 12 of Decembre also she was referred to us by the Abadies in the ward. Soeur Sa Oliveira loves the gospel.
Berthe: She was baptized a couple weeks ago and I gave her the Holy Ghost 2 weeks ago. We found out she was originally from Congo and her husband was the Ambassador to the other side of Congo and less than 5 years ago she was exiled from her country and her husband was executed. She is like a grandma to me and I make her laugh a ton because of my poor french. I always ask her if she has any other questions and she just laughs and laughs. She also has a hard time reading so she loves making me read to her.
Frere Decosta: He is an inactive member who we had a RV with this week. He said his daughter had a seizure, so we asked to go over to his house and give her a blessing. He said ok. It was in a huge Muslim cartel and it was night when we went so there were tons of young Muslims out taunting us. Elder Graham taught me a phrase to speak in Arabic which makes the Muslims your friends really quick. It actually worked! It was a miracle! We arrived safely, walk in, gave the blessing to the little girl. She has a twin sister, who we also gave a blessing to because its likely she will get the same thing, epilepsy, so we gave her a blessing. Then the mother wanted one. It was an awesome experience because we shared a little message and Frere Boné translated because they speak Portuguese. It was intense and a great experience.
Soeur Kissungo: She is also from Congo and is illiterate. We read to her. She has come to church with her family for the last 2 years and no one realized that she wasn't a member! Her daughter finally told us. She is leaving December 4 for Paris and were not sure if she is coming back, We are having a lesson with her today to pick a baptismal date. Hopefully, before she leaves! Which means... it would have to be a miracle! Because in two weeks we have stake conference and the week after that she is gone! So the baptism would have to be this week meaning we would have to teacher her 9 lessons in 5 days!! Pray for a miracle!
In our district, we got a new elder who I'll be going on an exchange with tomorrow!! Wish me luck! haha!! He speaks less french than me so I'll be holding down the lesson tomorrow with Soeur Kissango. Pray for me!
Soeur Martin: She has accepted to get baptized along with Soeur Sa Oliviera on the 12th of December. She is an excommunicated member. The brethren have given her permission to get rebaptized! She has a smoking issue that we are working hard to over come with her. She is also someone that I have taught all the lessons to with Elder Graham.
Clairees with 5 kids: She came to church yesterday and she liked it. The meetings were super long for her though. We have high hopes for her and her family! She is also from Africa. We have a huge African population in our ward. The African people are amazing with missionary work!
Love you all,
Monday, November 8, 2010
"A Miracle, A Miracle, I say!"
May I begin at the end of the week, as to get to the climax and to the point of how much the Lord has seriously changed and helped me, as well as used me to build his kingdom.
I have been working on purifying my life in every aspect. The main thing I have learned to purify our lives is, we must have the spirit with us. Which is to say, we must testify of Christ, learn of him, humble ourselves in his sight, and become what we say we are: A disciple of Jesus Christ. This means, we will think as he would, act as he would, and teach and bear witness of him. I have realized as a missionary, my life is no longer mine. It is His and through the agency and freedom of choice, I have by choosing Him, he endows us with power.
I was laying in bed on Friday at about 11:00 PM and could not fall asleep. It kept running through my head to get up! Just get up! I fought it for a bit. Finally, I did get up. I went into the hall, knelt down and prayed. I thought nothing of it and went back to bed. I then received a prompting, call Frere D. He is a Portugese, less active member who has been having a rough time. He was just released from his job. His wife is not interested in religion and his 2 daughters speak only french --not Portuguese. He speaks very little french.
Elder Graham and I have use a translator, Frere B in the ward to help us communicate. I received this prompting to call Frere D and I kept fighting it and fighting it. Finally, I said, "Elder Graham, we need to call Frere D." He said, "Are you serious? He can't even understand us and it's 1130"! This time I have no rational for this thought. So I completely ignore the spirit of the Lord. HOW IGNORANT I AM.
Thankfully, the Lord loves us!
The following day, which was a Saturday (which by the way, was the 6th week in France) which in turn means TRANSFER calls! Elder Graham and I expected that president would move Elder Graham. We expected a call in the early afternoon. Which led us the day before to not plan so much because we thought we would have to go get pictures with friends and leave him time to pack. So we waited and waited and waited and then did some contacting and then waited and actually went and got pictures with a few friends-- talk about two dumb missionaries, golly!
We went to our meeting at 7:00 PM and gave the lecon horribly! We walked out with Elder Graham angry with me and me angry at him. It was just a horrible day and we couldn't wait for that dang call to confirm our assumption! So we walked from the meeting to the bus stop at about 8 PM. I stopped at the bus stop to take us to the church so that I could play piano. Elder Graham stopped at the bus stop to take us home to eat because it was the beginning of dinner hour. We both wouldn't budge! My bus came first and I got on and he quickly followed. We than tried to smooth things over before getting to the church.
We arrived at the church and there was some sort of activity going on, which we had no clue about.
Here is the miracle:
Frere D's car was in the parking lot. We run inside the building and find a young women's activity and Frere D and the translator Frere B sitting talking. We walked into the room and apologized for being late, thinking we had forgot to plan it. They apologized for being late, as well! They thought that they were late! They thought we had planned something, got there, and then left. We had no clue what was going on, other than we all showed up at the church at the same time: they thinking they were late, us not ever planning a meeting and so we: Elder Graham and I were in aw!
We sat down, asked him how he was doing. He said, not good! He said a few weeks ago he got up and left everything and went back to Portugal for a week! Hence why he is losing his job! Then he said that last night-- the night I felt impressed to call him, he was in the depths of despair around 11 p.m. I immediately felt horrible and wanted to just cry for not following the prompting of the spirit.
He said, I remembered that we had a meeting planned the next day and so it gave me hope. A meeting we did not have scheduled, what a miracle!! Frere D came to church yesterday and I know he is back on the right path.
I absolutely know that the Lord is here and that He knows each one of us and what we need. I testify that all of us are children of our Heavenly Father! It is only through our exercising the promptings of the spirit and continually trying to be better that we will be blessed. The scriptures tell us, we are saved by grace after all we can do.
I know that God has a body of flesh and bones. Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost and Heavenly Father are three distinct separate beings. I know this because the Holy spirit has born witness to me that it is so. I challenge each one who reads my testimony to search the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and desire to know if the proper power and authority is restored on the earth again. Just as in the times of Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham, and Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith restored the Gospel to the earth. We have a living prophet, Thomas S. Monson.
God leads and directs his church today and there is no other way to know of the truth without the power of prayer and searching the Book of Mormon. Follow Christ. Have faith in Him. Repent in His name and follow his commandment to be baptized.
Elder Garlock
Monday, November 1, 2010
This week was exciting for Elder Graham and I with a baptism of Berthe. She is a sweet African lady. I was supposed to give her the Gift of the Holy Ghost yesterday but the Bishop forgot to announce it. We promptly reminded him but he said it was too late. Elder Graham was not happy, nor was I. So I'll be doing that next week. Also, last minute change, Elder Graham ended up doing the talk. The Bishopric called us back and specifically changed it to him. I guess they wanted to understand what was being said.
After our zone Conference in Bordeaux on Monday the October 22, we went to Bayonne. We got stuck there for 2 days because of the HUGE Strike. It was insane! Seriously, thousands of people! We were instructed not to take pictures of it. So I didn't! But I really wanted to because it was massive. It felt like a dream. So surreal.
Tons of flags and music and yelling it was cool to walk through. We got to the Gare train station, by bus and then we found out no trains were running. We tried to hop on a bus and found out that the bus that had just taken us, couldn't run because the strike was blocking the roads! Soooo we had to walk back to the Bayonne Apt through thousands of people-- pretty sweet.
Bayonne is the heart of Basque country, which I found out have some pretty sweet people. The stereotypical beret is actually Basque. In Bayonne, there is a suburb named Biarritz. Tons of french people go to Biarritz on vacation. Too bad we didn't have time to go into that part of the Bayonne area.
Here is a story I will never forget: On Tuesday, Elder Graham and I went on an exchange with the Bayonne Elders. Elder Bell and I had the opportunity to go move a family that lived in Gabat. If you get a chance, type in Gabat into the Google maps, and see what you come up with.
Elder Bell and I hopped into the car with the Millers, members in the Bayonne ward. We had a map and had been given directions from the family who needed help moving. We left at 5:30 in the evening and managed to get lost for a good hour and a half until they handed Elder Bell and I the map and said, "Get us to Gabat!"
So with divine inspiration, we directed ourselves through country road after country road. We finally climbed all the little hills and looked back and seriously saw a sunset! I will never forget it! It was amazing to see what looked like the most beautiful spot on the earth!! It was such a blessing to get lost!
Through all of that confusion, frustration, and yelling we made it to the most peaceful spot in all of my mission, it was amazing!!! After the sun had set, we traveled through a few castles, and finally we found Gabat!! Which is not even a city!! But we moved the family in a half hour and they were so grateful.
With the six of us, we did more in a half hour than we could imagine! We all considered it a miracle! It was an awesome experience. I just wish I had my camera! Getting lost in Basque country and finding pure beauty is a great memory for me that I hope to never forget!!
After finally getting back to Pau, we immediately started planning the baptism for Berthe. I volunteered to sing, "I believe in Christ" as a solo in french. Elder Graham helped me with the pronunciation, which I was very grateful. I also played piano, which was frightening! But I pulled it off with the Lord's blessing. I was also a witness for the baptism and I gave the closing prayer. It was a small baptism with about 15 people. The spirit was strong. When Berthe was baptized she started clapping, it was a sweet moment.
Well, I love all of you and we have 3 people committed to baptism in December. I am hoping I get to stay in Pau. Next week I find out whether I'm transferred or not. On Wednesday I'll be in Toulouse.
Till next week!
Elder Garlock
Thursday, October 28, 2010
How do you like my winter coat from France?

In France, there are tons of Greves=strikes and transportation and trash are hit and miss right now its been like this for about 2 weeks now. No worries though for there are angels on the left and on the right protecting us.
Yesterday, Monday, we had Zone conference AGAIN in Bordeaux! I love that ville because its got some sweet structures! Soeur Carter, the mission president's wife spoke and shared an interesting quote from one of the general authorities that said, "the great harvest has yet to come forth in Europe". She did not use this as a demoralizer but rather she said that we are more like the great old missionaries than anywhere else in the world. We are facing the great opposition before the Lord is finished in Israel. It was inspiring!
This Saturday we have a baptism of Berthe. She is an older lady with a great sense of humor. She chose Elder Graham to do the baptismal ordinance and me to give her the gift of the Holy Ghost in sacrament meeting. The same sacrament meeting that I'm giving a 15 min talk in. ooo boy talk about a blessing!
The game, petonic is huge here in France everyone plays outside of our apt. We look down on a park and there are always petonc players playing. So Elder Graham and I wanted to play and make friends. So he goes down and starts talking to one half of the group that's playing and I go talk to the older spectators --about 5 people and just try and make friends and work on my french and what not. It was an awesome experience because they really started opening up and they offered for me to play! I kindly declined because Elder Graham asked to play right off -without talking to them or being friends and they flat out turned him down! It was hilarious and tons of fun. Elder Graham has a great sense of humor.
Thank you for your letters! I love them!
Pau is the head quarters for Total gas and there is also a university here. Every night on the chateau de pau, a history of the city is projected on the side of the castle. It's an awesome sight.
A member in the ward gave me a sweet leather jacket which I cannot wear but she insisted I kept it till after the mission. I kindly accepted because it is sweet! I also bought a winter coat from H&M which is tight.
I love France and the Beignéts here especially the apricot or nutella filled ones. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm soooo good mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmm mmm mmm so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok also tomorrow hopefully we will be able to go to Bayonne and get to go into Basque country. I love it here, until next week.
Christmas: O boy that's a huge question I know exactly what I want: pictures of the family, letters and money!! :) Don't send packages because it seriously costs an arm and a leg!! Don't send it mom, don't do it mom. don't do it ha ha I was told to say that 4 times because Elder Graham said mothers still do it!
France has its Christmas lights up already but not much Halloween. I mean there is a little but not much.
You should definitely check out Pau and the surrounding area on google because it is tight.
Monday, October 18, 2010
France is heating up as far as politics go there was a huge strike today. We are leaving to go to Bayonne if the trains and buses are working. On Friday was Zone conference in Bordeaux and we were 3 hours late because the trains were on strike so we took a bus to Dax and got on a train from Dax to Bordeaux.
On Friday, 4 elders were headed to Zone conference and one of them was stabbed in the head! He is fine--he got a few stitches--- 6 to be exact! There really is an opposition in all things.
The language is coming along it takes patience, perseverance and more importantly the Lord's help which I have seen countless times. Yesterday Elder Graham, and I helped in Primary. Those kids are seriously the cutest things ever... like Preston when he was a baby-- but with french accents! They love asking me questions and me not understanding and them just laughing and laughing at me.
There is a famous Rugby Player in the Pau Ward and he offered to give Elder Graham and I VIP tickets!
Also the cat we tried to save last week we found out was shot out of the tree...
Happy Birthday to my Grandpa who is a stud!!! I think back a ton on those precious memories of us fishing and going to the temple together and all those messages!!! Great memories of movie nights, Christmas parties, making candy,root beer floats and the list goes on and on!! I love you grandpa, happy birthday!
Well I'm headed to Bayonne to go touch the ocean! I am super excited.
Pray for my safety and all the missionaries safety.
Love all of you!
Tell Mr D and Mrs. Schroeder hello! Tell them that I sing all those choral songs and musicals down the streets of France!
Elder Garlock
Monday, October 11, 2010
I went on two X-changes. One with Elder Law who is the Zone leader right now and the other was with Elder Barton who was in the MTC with me. He is only a transfer older than me. Elder Law and I went out and contacted people for about 4 hours and got 4 contacts. That doesn't seem like a lot but it was some serious work. I still have a hard time understanding but I'm starting to get more and more daily its amazing.
When I went on a split with Elder Barton expectations were low because we are really young out here. We went contacting in a beautiful suburb to Bordeaux named Lormont. It was amazing. An Xchange lasts for 24 hours so we had a long day together we didn't have any rendezvous or anything. All we did was contact and we talked to everybody seriously everybody. I was running he was running we were running down these beautiful streets talking to anyone that would listen. By the end of the day we had 9 contacts and we taught a lecon even and placed countless Copies of the Book of Mormon it was a miracle. When our senior companions returned from Toulouse (they were there for leadership training) they were shocked.
Also this week we had a crazy experience trying to save a cat in a tree is was hilarious! I felt like I was in a movie. It's been raining heavy and we've had beautiful lighting storms also. I also went to McDonalds and everything was crazy expensive its a hopping place!! Tons and tons and tons of people constantly there.
Tonight I'm eating with a Canadian family for Canadian thanksgiving!! Finally some English ha ha!
I love it here and miss all of you!
Elder Garlock
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Bon Jour! First Letter from France
My companions name is Elder Graham from Spanish Fork, UTAH.
O well, the first thing I noticed in France was how small every single car was its ridiculous they sound like little itty bitty lawn mowers I would be embarrassed to drive one-- ha ha they are so cute. Every single bathroom in France separates the toilet from the shower and sink! It is beautiful here in France.
The first full day I was in Pau, Elder Graham and I went to 3 less active members houses. The first maison we went to this old old old old old lady had over 30 dogs running around and over 70 birds in cages it was insane and super loud. We went with Frere Lyon who is Chinese that was originally Buddhist. He is the ward mission leader. He gave the lesson on the Liahona and they had me bear my testimony on prophets. So far every french maison I have been in has offered me tarts, cookies or some swweeeeeeet fruity drank its super delish!
Its sort a weird because the french members whom I met yesterday and Saturday at conference all look at me with this look of oooo you don't speak very good french. They are super nice about it and everything but its like that look of oooo I feel bad for you and I don't understand you... sort a awkward but funny. The youth in Pau is tight there are about 100 members and the youth love talking to the American Missionary and laughing and laughing about my poor french and accent its tons of fun. I got to play piano with one of them for a few minutes and he was nicer to me.
We are on the 13th floor of a huge apt building in downtown Pau. Its got a great view of the catholic cathedral off in the distance and the city. I love our little deck. Elder Graham and I sing, plan and have tons of fun in the fresh air of the french sky. We are in the heart of the ville and hear the bells ring every morning It's sooo french esssk! Seriously bells in the morning, all i need now is a baguette as well as a barie.
We have had dinner at a few members houses. French People take forever to eat. It's way more social and takes forever. We have had a few dinner appointments and our fastest one has been 2 hours. Also, whenever I tell people I'm from Washington they all think its WA DC and so I try and explain "pas DC, pas DC" they just don't get it it's funny. A few nights ago we ate at Frere Lyons and he fed Elder Graham and I tonnnnnss of egg rolls that he hand made. He gave us a ridiculous amount of food just to see if we would be polite and eat it all! I'm not going to lie, one of the more challenging things thus far on the mission!! It was delicious!
I have only seen one fast food McDonalds here and it is ALWAYS packed the have huge lines and no exaggeration probably about 50 kids constantly at Micky Ds, I miss ice and drinking fountains. Everything is from tap and the milk here just isn't the same... scratch that tons of things here just isn't the same... namely the language haha!!
Elder Graham only has 6 months in the mission left and his faith and french is awesome. He is a great example and we relate on many levels. I'm so happy that
Everyone hears beeezoooos by the way as in kiss cheek to cheek. When I told one of the kids in the ward, in America we only shake hands, he was super surprised and asked Elder Graham if I was lying.
There are geckos running around or a some kind of lizard looking thing also running around its interesting I think I might try and catch one. Tons of them don't have a tail parc que people love tearing them off so there are tons of tailless geckos running around in France.
Elder Graham and I use the bus system for everything. Well I love you all and miss the great Northwest a ton, France is good too though :) The baguettes and things here are Amazing! Thanks you for all of your letters and support The Gospel of Jesus Christ is so real and so true and I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have had and that we indeed have a prophet on the earth to lead us.
Elder Garlock
P.S. Here are some cheeses that I have tried and enjoy. You should try them, if you can find them in the United States:
Soignon Frommage De Chevre
Casino Carre Frommage A Pate molle
Coulommiers Carrefour Doux and Moelleux
President Rondele au Bleu
and we ate this really amazing ice cream bar called Magnum Ecuador Dark no joke its named Magnum Ecuador Dark I was super surprised
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Arrived in France!
Yesterday Elder Garlock and his District flew from the safe haven of the MTC to Toulouse, France! They arrived early this morning! The mission office reported that he arrived safe, happy and looking TIRED! He placed one Book of Mormon on the plane and handed out several pass along cards. They welcomed him to the mission and promptly put him on a train. He has been assigned to Pau, France!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Adieu to the MTC!
It's exciting that my sister will give her farewell talk on Sunday!
As I head out to the real world of Missionary work on Monday, I look back on these last few 8 weeks and realize how much growth has taken place. I have learned more in the last 8 weeks that probably I'm willing to bet-- ALL of my 2 semester at College last year. The MTC has strengthened me because of the wonderful environment and the challenges that come with being with a companion constantly. My companion has taught me so much about overcoming challenges and relying on the Lord. His knowledge of the scriptures and his patience with me has been a great example of what a Brother in Zion is all about.
They completed the Gym finally this past weeek! So I got to play basketball twice in my entire MTC experience!! It was pretty fun but scary on how bad I got. The MTC record for most free throws made in a row is 41 I tried for it yesterday and it went all right-- but no trophy.
My district and I will be singing on Sunday for Mission Conference! We are very excited! It should be an awesome experience.
A quick story for all of you on Wednesday my district wanted to Host the new missionaries. Host Missionaries means to greet the new Elders and show them where their class room is and residence room ect. It's an awesome experience and if you are in the MTC for 9-12 weeks you're supposed to have the opportunity to host. You get an invitation in the mail saying your district has been selected to host new missionaries on this date --please attend a meeting at this time for orientation on the procedures etc.
So this was our last week in the MTC and we didn't get an invitation. My district was super disappointed. Soooooooooooo... Elder Allen and I decided to do some work. :) We went to the front desk and asked if we could host-- they said go to this other building. We went to the other building-- they said go ask this other guy. He said, "we have already 10 extra and we can't have your district do it."
We had a lesson on Tuesday about being bold and confident. Needless to say after much persuasion and patience we accomplished our task!! We got to Host on Wednesday! It was an awesome experience. I could see how similar some of these Elders were to me.
A few missionaries asked us, "How old are you Elders?" I remember asking the same question to many of the older elders as well on my first day! People grow up very quickly in the MTC --it's awesome!
I love all of you!! I'll be in France next week! Adieu!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Singing in the MTC
Well the gym has had some HEAVY construction--so on Sunday we watched the CES fireside on marriage instead, it was hysterical because we are missionaries.
My language is coming along --it's still a struggle but I've realized half the battle is just taking it all in and not becoming overwhelmed.
We are singing for mission conference in front of everyone the 26th of September and on Sunday we are singing, Where can I turn for peace, for sacrament meeting. Also our new teacher is engaged and our old teacher also just got engaged.
The referral center elders in the MTC are telling all the Elders to tell their families to add them on facebook as friends. It helps them grow their network!
I'm soooo stoked to get out of the MTC! I love all of you and I know that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and if anyone reads the first chapter and sincerely prays and wants to know if it is true they will receive an answer.
I love all of you
A Crazy Week!! Sept. 10, 2010
It was crazy last Sunday!!
My companion and I went to instant care because he was feeling ill. We went with about 15 other elders and we were there for a good 5 hours!! The Nurse comes out after his appointment and tells everyone in the waiting room to put on "doctor masks" she then proceeded to tell us or rather franticly say, "there has been a flu out break in the MTC!!" it was interesting to say the least.
When Elder Allen came out of the appointment he was sick as ever. After all the missionaries had been seen-- we get back in the travel van and the drivers give us a look like what in the world is going on --we gave them masks.
At this point, no one has really said anything. The elders who went in to see the doctor had prescriptions. We then go back to the MTC and wait in the lobby for an hour and then get taken to Walgreens. When we get back, the MTC Doctor says, "ok, so who's the elder going into quarantine?" We all just looked at one another and started laughing because we thought he was joking. HE definitely was not... the MTC police arrived shortly after we figured out Elder Allen will be going into quarantine for at least 5 days or 48 hours after his fever breaks. So far he has been in there 5 days and there is no sign of him returning soon.
Three days ago, I had the opportunity to give a blessing with our district leader. It was awesome to be an instrument in the Lords' hands. When we finished up the MTC police escorted us out immediately. The day after that --so 2 days ago a nurse busts into our classroom with what is called Tamaflu, a prevention drug for swine flu. Everyone in our district is taking it--it has been a bonding experience. It's been sad though because Elder Allen is a huge part of the spirit in our district and has amazing music skills.
Speaking of music, I heard that Sister Bateman did a great job in her solo I wasn't able to see it because I was at the doctor's office with Elder Allen. Yesterday, Elder Tudor and Elder Noyce (the two elders I'm with now till elder Allen comes back) snuck into the floor where they were holding him. We delivered him his mail and then were escorted out of the building by police it was insane and definitely a ton of fun! I felt like a CIA operative trying to figure out how to see him for 3 minutes. It raised his spirits for sure!
I love you and miss you and know without a doubt that this is the only true Church of Jesus Christ with the proper power and authority to act in His name.
Best Wishes,
Elder Garlock
A Crazy Week!! Sept. 10, 2010
My companion and I went to instant care because he was feeling ill. We went with about 15 other elders and we were there for a good 5 hours!! The Nurse comes out after his appointment and tells everyone in the waiting room to put on "doctor masks" she then proceeded to tell us or rather franticly say, "there has been a flu out break in the MTC!!" it was interesting to say the least.
When Elder Allen came out of the appointment he was sick as ever. After all the missionaries had been seen-- we get back in the travel van and the drivers give us a look like what in the world is going on --we gave them masks.
At this point, no one has really said anything. The elders who went in to see the doctor had prescriptions. We then go back to the MTC and wait in the lobby for an hour and then get taken to Walgreens. When we get back, the MTC Doctor says, "ok, so who's the elder going into quarantine?" We all just looked at one another and started laughing because we thought he was joking. HE definitely was not... the MTC police arrived shortly after we figured out Elder Allen will be going into quarantine for at least 5 days or 48 hours after his fever breaks. So far he has been in there 5 days and there is no sign of him returning soon.
Three days ago, I had the opportunity to give a blessing with our district leader. It was awesome to be an instrument in the Lords' hands. When we finished up the MTC police escorted us out immediately. The day after that --so 2 days ago a nurse busts into our classroom with what is called Tamaflu, a prevention drug for swine flu. Everyone in our district is taking it--it has been a bonding experience. It's been sad though because Elder Allen is a huge part of the spirit in our district and has amazing music skills.
Speaking of music, I heard that Sister Bateman did a great job in her solo I wasn't able to see it because I was at the doctor's office with Elder Allen. Yesterday, Elder Tudor and Elder Noyce (the two elders I'm with now till elder Allen comes back) snuck into the floor where they were holding him. We delivered him his mail and then were escorted out of the building by police it was insane and definitely a ton of fun! I felt like a CIA operative trying to figure out how to see him for 3 minutes. It raised his spirits for sure!
I love you and miss you and know without a doubt that this is the only true Church of Jesus Christ with the proper power and authority to act in His name.
Best Wishes,
Elder Garlock
Friday, September 3, 2010
Stormy, Sunny, Rainy 9/3/2010
We got a new Teacher. We got this short, like seriously, short 4' 10'' Soeur (Sister) who is awesome and very motivated!
Our other teacher, busted his leg 4 months ago and had surgery on it. His scare is awesome! Dad would love it! We think he is Cosmo because he is short, athletic, can do a back flip, and travels with the BYU football team for what he calls "marketing". He is a really good sport about us trying to figure it out.
I've been feeling sick these last couple days so I went in to the health center it was incredibly busy but the receptionist said, "your one of the luckiest Elders! We just had a cancellation and you can see the doctor now!" They were short handed and only had one doctor there instead of the normal two.
Long story short, the Doctor said I have a sinus infection and I'm on some medication this week! :)
Speaking of BYU my heart hurts. Tomorrow is the BYU vs UW game! Last year I went and saw it up in Seattle. I think UW will win 28-21 I'll be able to hear everything but see nothing! SO cheer loud if you get to go to the game and think of me sitting outside listening during dinner!
This week has been better than ever! I read, Our Heritage as well as, Our Search for Happiness in 5 days. They are great quick uplifting reads. It made me realize that everyday we can choose to be miserable or happy. When we are miserable it's just selfish. Therefore, I have been focusing on being positive.
My district and I tried out yesterday to sing in a Devotional and we made it! Emily Bateman also tried out and made it! Its going to be awesome singing in front of the entire MTC with just 12 guys!! I'm singing 2nd tenor with one other Elder so I had to really know my part! It was hard trying out and not cracking yesterday on account that I was sick.
Elder Richard G Hinckley came this week and was awesome!! He looks, talks and acts like his father, Gordon B. Hinckley. He answered questions for 30 min which I thought was very rare!
Well, I love all of you and I apologize to those who I cannot write back I have limited time and my time is for the Lord.
Elder Garlock
Roller Coaster Week 8.27.10
I loved receiving your packages!! Elder Allen and I absolutely loved the goodies! We laughed and laughed about the Toothbrushes I gave him the Spiderman and I took the HULK of course!
Our district got a tip that the gym was going to be done and an Apostle was coming for the Tuesday (8/24) fireside. The gym has been under construction since we arrived.
We got to the fireside 2 hours early and we were still 20 people deep which I guess is better than 2000 people deep. It was a stampede to get into the building! When the doors opened at 6:30 it was some intense heat! After the ruckus and the tumbling we got to sit in about the 15th row back and Elder Jeffery R. Holland walked in.
When he walked in the spirit of the Lord was incredible strong. We had watched his firesides before to the missionaries and he is a YELLER!!!! So we expected some intense shouts!! and boy did we get them :)
He talked about the title of Preach My Gospel and how they were going to put Preach My Gospel by the Spirit but they thought it was to long. He also said, "This isn't Burger King, we won't hold the pickles! This is WAR and it has been going on long since we were born." He said," How can any of us expect to be like Christ if we don't want to go through our own Gethsemany?" He continued and said,"This isn't your church, its not my church. it is Jesus Christ's church and if you aren't obedient, leave your tag at the door and get out!" It was some intense stuff!
I am continually amazed at the love Jesus offers me as well as his other children.
My testimony has grown more in the last 4 weeks than in all my life combined. The french is coming easier and I am growing in many ways I love it here and I love being a missionary. It is harder than anything I have ever done in my life but its much more rewarding as well!
Elder Garlock
Friday, August 20, 2010
Week in Review from Elder G.



I love all of your letters!!! Now, let me give you a week in review!
I went to San Francisco on Tuesday spur of the moment--just for the day! Elder Wahlquist went yesterday, Thursday. Usually elders get notified in the mail that they will be leaving. SO Elder W got his notice letter and came back bragging because no one else had got one yet then in the middle of class my companion and I got called down to the travel office and they said," You are going to SF tomorrow!" We flipped! We were sooo excited! When we got back into class Elder W could not believe it was sooo awesome!
We woke up at 4 am to catch the bus to the airport! It was awesome to get out in the real world! It was intense! When we landed in the SF airport we got some of the weirdest looks ever! It was a huge contrast between leaving SLC airport and being loved and then arriving in SF and just getting awkward looks. We soaked it all in!
In San Fran we first went to the French consulate to get our visas. All french and Greek missionaries must make a personal appearance at the French consulate. After the consulate we got to spend 3 hrs on Pier 39! Which was sweet because I already knew where everything was from last years choir trip. We went to Boudin Bread Company and had some chowder and then my favorite part... we made it to IN N OUT and got me a MILKSHAKE!!!!! PS I miss Burgerville! Also, when we went in Boudin Bread Company Gavin Degraw was over the speakers and it was the song Danny Gessel and I sang for the octate 10th grade year homecoming! It was the first music I've heard for 3 weeks and was soooo pleasant! In the MTC you can't listen to music BTW.
While walking on the pier we got tons of crazy looks--many Mormons came up to us and took pictures and we had to explain we weren't serving in SF which was a surprise but fun. We also saw the sea lions and while watching those fat animals lazzzz around there was a french couple so I tried to start up a conversation and it worked until they overestimated my abilities so I was just had to own up that I wasn't a native french speaker-- but it was an experience and tons of fun. (My English has gotten horrible from french messing with my mind!)
This week I've been a bit overwhelmed with french tenses and the plan of salvation everything has been pretty difficult this week since we are officially old in the MTC!
Funny quick story from SF we were walking past some homeless people and one yelled "Ezra Taft Benson!!!" with his Heineken beer held high-- it was very funny. I also talked to a few Chinese people and they said you need to go to china in very broken English they continued --we need your message! It was awesome and up lifting! Then it was back to the airport to SLC -then the MTC!
There are tons of Firesides we see here from past years and they are awesome one was from Elder Bednar and in essence it answered the question, How can I tell the difference between the spirit and my brain messing with me? and he said, "DONT WORRY ABOUT IT! Just get on the righteous path and the Lord will guide you ---stop worrying about it!!!"
Till next week!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sister Bateman headed to the MTC!
District News from Elder Wahlquist
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Letters from the Elder
"Bonjour!" Elder Garlock reports that he loves everything about the MTC. He eats every five hours and has gained 15 pounds! He loves the food and the variety. His companion is from Kaysville, Utah, Elder Allen. They get along great! His zone sings all the time! Luckily they all love to sing! He will begin speaking only French this week! Half of his brain is thinking English and the other French! Elder Garlock is excited when he sees other friends and family in the MTC. Elder Wahlquist, his cousin, is in his zone. He loves Dear Elder letters so please write! :) A Bientot!
Au revoir!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
At Last the Call has Arrived!
Yippy Skippy! The call has arrived! She has been called to the Ecuador Mission! Wow! We are all in shock!!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Stalking Mr. Postman
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
MTC Drop Off
Today at 12:45 p.m. (mountain time) Elder Nathan crossed the threshold of the Mission Training Center in Provo, Utah. It was with great excitement and few tears that this happened. He woke up at 5:15 a.m. to catch a plane to Salt Lake City. His cousins, Eric and Christoper picked him up and they promptly went to In and Out Burger. After the drop off, Christopher went home to grab his baggage and then entered the MTC an hour later--to the same mission. We are anxious to recieve Nathan's first letter!
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Elder First...
We are excited for this day to arrive. He has waited sooooo long! He will first go to the Mission Training Center to learn the romantic language of French and then head out to Toulouse, France at the end of September!
His missionary address will be until September 29th:
Elder Nathan P Garlock
MTC Mailbox #103
Fra-Tou 0929
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, UT 84604-1793
We love our missionary!!!!
Morgan is waiting for her mission call to arrive--maybe today!!!
She is working EFY all week so we will take it to campus when it arrives!
So much excitement!
We love all the missionaries of the world!