We got a new Teacher. We got this short, like seriously, short 4' 10'' Soeur (Sister) who is awesome and very motivated!
Our other teacher, busted his leg 4 months ago and had surgery on it. His scare is awesome! Dad would love it! We think he is Cosmo because he is short, athletic, can do a back flip, and travels with the BYU football team for what he calls "marketing". He is a really good sport about us trying to figure it out.
I've been feeling sick these last couple days so I went in to the health center it was incredibly busy but the receptionist said, "your one of the luckiest Elders! We just had a cancellation and you can see the doctor now!" They were short handed and only had one doctor there instead of the normal two.
Long story short, the Doctor said I have a sinus infection and I'm on some medication this week! :)
Speaking of BYU my heart hurts. Tomorrow is the BYU vs UW game! Last year I went and saw it up in Seattle. I think UW will win 28-21 I'll be able to hear everything but see nothing! SO cheer loud if you get to go to the game and think of me sitting outside listening during dinner!
This week has been better than ever! I read, Our Heritage as well as, Our Search for Happiness in 5 days. They are great quick uplifting reads. It made me realize that everyday we can choose to be miserable or happy. When we are miserable it's just selfish. Therefore, I have been focusing on being positive.
My district and I tried out yesterday to sing in a Devotional and we made it! Emily Bateman also tried out and made it! Its going to be awesome singing in front of the entire MTC with just 12 guys!! I'm singing 2nd tenor with one other Elder so I had to really know my part! It was hard trying out and not cracking yesterday on account that I was sick.
Elder Richard G Hinckley came this week and was awesome!! He looks, talks and acts like his father, Gordon B. Hinckley. He answered questions for 30 min which I thought was very rare!
Well, I love all of you and I apologize to those who I cannot write back I have limited time and my time is for the Lord.
Elder Garlock
He sounds like he is doing great! I told Eric to try and get a picture of the three cousins. Tell Nate, too. Maybe we might get one if we give both of them the assignment :)