Monday, May 23, 2011



We have a baptism scheduled for this Saturday with Kamy, who is from Guyana and is 9 years old! I started teaching him my 2nd week I was here and now we will be in WHITE!!!!!!! HURRAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!

Well, there are so many things to tell you that are just incredible but its just impossible to articulate the emotions, the moments, and ALL the stories.

It was Keith, our English friend's birthday, which was fun. We played backgammon. It was the first time I had ever played. It's a pretty fun game. During the party, which consisted of Elder Smedley, myself, and Keith I realized how lucky I am to have friends and family who love me. While sitting there in his house, I felt for him.

Another thing that has hit me this transfer was the great blessing of the Word of Wisdom. Honestly, I have met hundreds of people whose lives have been maimed from alcohol and drugs. The cigaret packages here are labeled with, "smoking kills" and with pictures of the diseases that people get from smoking. It is an absolute testimony builder! So many people are literally enslaved to smoking.

I am grateful that I had parents who taught me the commandments of God so that I can now realize that the limitations or commandments of God are there to not limit what we become but rather what we do. Or in other words, we limit what we do to not limit what we become.

I Love you all. I encourage you to read, The Book of Mormon. an introduction to the Book of Mormon given by Elder Jeffery R Holland, a member of the quorum of 12 Apostles.
Elder Garlock

Monday, May 16, 2011

Preaching the Gospel in France

More Pictures!

Preparation Day

Simple Questions


Well, many things are happening! We have 6 people engaged for baptism and work is exploding in Vitrolles and Béziers. We had our Président's interviews this past week-- it was amazing. We found out that Vitrolles and Béziers are the two most productive and efficient villes in the mission but also the hardest.

I think we may have quite a few people in the mission who are scratching their heads over this fact. It's sweet! I'm in Carcassonne writing this for Preparation day. Today we visited the amazing chateau. I highly recommend looking it up online. We walked into the Huge Catholic cathedral and there was this men's french quartet singing.It was amazing! It brought me back to college choir and high school choir. It was sweet!

I must move on to the "weightier matters" if you will because there are tons and tons of little interesting details as a missionary but in the long and short of it all it doesn't have any really meaning or interest. Therefore I shift.

I love asking people on the road the most simple questions probably one of my favorite is... How are we saved? I shall leave you with a few scriptures that are very powerful:

Matthew chapter 5 verses 15-29

2 Nephi chapter 25 verse 23

John chapter 3 verse 5

I encourage all of you, if you have not already, to read The Book of Mormon.


Elder Garlock

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers and Missions

Happy Mothers Day!!!!

I was grateful to talk to all of you yesterday it was fun to hear your voices!!! I am very grateful for the love and letters and prayers that I have felt for the last 9 months.

May I also express the love I have for my Mother who has dealt with my know it all attitude for the last 20 years. I am grateful that I was raised with love. It must have taken much patience and prayers. I probably don't understand all of the sacrifices and hardships that you had thanks to me until I am a parent myself.

However, I appreciate your love and many hours of teaching me how to read. It is now hard to learn how to read french with out someone like the love of a mother helping you along. At 20, a mother's touch and hand is still needed and much appreciated and loved.

I love the APRON!!!! ;)

The work goes on and time goes on as President Thomas S. Monson, the prophet today stated, Nothing is as constant as change. But what is something that is constant, straight, and true? The answer. Following Jesus Christ by doing the will of our Heavenly Father. We know the will of Our Father in Heaven always by listening and obeying the commandments given to us by his prophets. Please watch the film: Which recounts the story of Joseph Smith who was called by God to restore the Church of Jesus Christ today.

Well, I love you all!!
Shout out to the Soundview ward: Doolys, Whites, Betteridges, Sorans, Batemans, Liddles, Hemmings, Muglestons, Van Valkenburgs, Masters, McCoys and sooooo, sooo, many, more love you and miss you all!!!

Also speaking of Mother's Day...I love my grandmas!!!!!

Which reminds me, hello GOODWINS!!! on the beach! I hope the Mariners will finally win the WORLD SERIES!!! ;)

And to all my friends in college, I'll try and send you a letter this week... just know I have been holding out to not distract y'all from your goal!!! (to get married)!!! Just kidding :) letters are in the mail !!
Elder Garlock

Monday, May 2, 2011


This week was fast Sunday and fast paced!

I met the members here in the branch in Béziers which was nice.

This next week I'll give you a call for Mother's Day.

In any case, miracles have happened this past week. The moment I arrived In Beziers, I organized the ville and found a lady who had come 2 times in the past to church. We contacted her, set up a rendez vous, and engaged her to baptism. She came to church this Sunday. So we moved her baptism to Saturday!!! ooo yaa I'll tell you over the phone all about it because she said that she couldn't be baptized. But wow!! It was sweet!!! We are now planning her baptism on the 7th day of May!!!

Any who things are going well talk to you soon!!!!

Elder Garlock