Bon Jour!
I feel like I read something not to long ago about Lot's wife! It might have been a conference talk or something like that all I remember is it was super insightful. It made that point about Lot's wife that it wasn't that she turned around that she was turned into a pillar of salt (that would be Moses law) but it was that she desired to go back to still be a part of sin. (the law of Christ) How often do we repent but we skip the entire meaning of the word repentance?
Repentance is a Greek root which means a change of mind we must change our heart might mind and strength to not only never do the sin again but also not have that desire. We must place protective barriers in front of us or we are still in the battle field with out a sword or shield or the essential needs of war. We need to protect ourselves in this spiritual war! We know who has won-- Jesus Christ-- it's clear-- the only question left to be answered is did we accomplish the will of our Heavenly Father during this time? Did we aline our will enough with His? The goal of prayer is just that--- aliening our will with our Heavenly Father's.
This past week my companion and I were in Geneva, Switzerland for zone council yahoo! It was great!! So international. high class and fun! But yet so worldly! We went and bought Gatorade and Swiss chocolate which was amazing. We tried to go to the American store but it closes at 6:45 not at 7 like all other normal stores in the world! It was funny I think the Lord wanted us to stay focused--- all 14 zone leaders in the mission :)
It was a crazy time trying to leave from Montpellier to get to Geneva because we planned to arrive at the Gare (train station) 1 hour before our train because we knew it would be hard to find a parking spot. Well there is tons of construction right now so we couldn't make it on time so we put our emergency lights on and ran to the Gare telling the other companionship to meet us there so we could give them the car keys.
There was only one problem both of the other two missionaries were not authorized by President to drive and they both didn't know how to drive stick shift. So they made it to the Gare and we literally threw them the keys like in a movie and hopped on the train as it rolled away. We then had to call president to get permission for them to drive. We got permission and then we had to verbally explain to them how to drive stick!! O lalala!! What an experience!! They were in traffic and we also had to tell them where the car was in this massive city-- it was literally impossible!! But after much prayer they made it home only with one scratch :)
Please warn all foreign missionaries to learn how to play piano and stick shift before coming to the field!!!
I love the Holy Ghost it is one of my favorite subjects to study!!
Elder Garlock
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