Christ Lives. His Church is Restored. Thomas S Monson is the living prophet today. The Book of Mormon is the tangible concrete proof of these things. By reading the words found in The Book of Mormon we find the words of God, prophecies, revelations and testimonies of Gods servants. We receive the answers of questions of the soul, the fullness of the Gospel and a witness by the Holy Ghost that it is true. The only way that i have seen someone progress in the Gospel by following the prompting of the Holy Ghost and daily reading The Book of Mormon.
How grateful I am to be here in France. Is there opposition in all things? YES Is it all worth it? Yes, Although these past few weeks have been very challenging I feel more of God's love and know that he sent me here to Angouleme to be stretched in patience, charity and faith. When our hope is faith and we test our faith, it is sealed by the Holy Ghost to be truth and we receive a powerful witness from God that Man cannot give to us or take away.
How grateful I am to have a family sealed in the holy Temple of the Lord. Time and time again investigators know that marriage is ordained of God and know what we teach to be true but don't follow through and make the steps necessary.
As I had the occasion to watch the film, 17 Miracles, it reminded me of the words, Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven. How much these saints gave and how much they were grateful for everything they had. How much I have and how blinded I am to not even recognize that I have it.
Something funny that I keep forgetting to write is the first morning of Elder D's mission he said 'is that the alarm to wake up?' and i said 'yes elder it is' :) haha
Today I received a phone call from the office of the mission asking me which airport I would like to fly into to go home and I said Paris :) !!!!
Elder Garlock
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